Beekeeping 101 Webinar Testimonials

I fell in love with Eco Bee Boxes when a friend posted a picture of one online. When I discovered a Beekeeping 101 webinar through, I jumped at the chance to sign up. It turned out to be one of the best webinars I’ve ever attended.

Eco Bee Box provided lots of great information for first-time beekeepers. He made it understandable and accessible, plus provided many helpful resources. I especially liked that he cares about the bees themselves, rather than looking at them as simply an income source.

After taking the course, I had a better idea of what methods I wanted to use, and the belief that beekeeping was something I could manage. The information he shared gave me enough background to talk to other beekeepers and ask meaningful questions. It also helped me to wade through the equipment catalogs in order to choose just what I wanted and needed.

Had I only read a book for beginners, I probably would have been scared off. This course gave me the knowledge and confidence I needed to begin creating my own apiary. Thanks, Al!

Beth Bracale, Conneaut, Ohio, USA