Sustainable Beekeeping – Queens, Honeycomb, and Pollination – 2015

Two conflicting problems are seen in beekeeping:
  • 80% of beekeepers lose their bees the first year.
  • Beekeepers are told not to expect honey the first year.
This poses an incredible challenge.
Honey won’t magically appear if there are no bees or forage for them to produce it.
The next problem beekeepers face is:
  • most beekeepers do not know how to raise a queen. If the queen fails, dies, leaves, or any number of additional reasons, the beekeeper is left to try to find another queen, or wait until next year to get back into beekeeping.
Eco Bee Box promotes a simple hive that helps beekeepers raise queens first above all other lessons.  Here is one reason for the system…
“the mini hive is an interest bearing queen account. When you need a queen, take her from this little colony and let it replace her
How much do beekeepers pay yearly for queens? Each queen can be $35 and up.  The problem is the purchaser doesn’t know anything about this new queen. No traits, no pedigree, no guarantee she will live. Many new beekeepers have purchased queen after queen only to have failure after failure.  Sad costly learning experience.
How much is a package of bees? $100 – $200?  Many colonies will up and fly off the first week. Other colonies will kill the queen that was in the package as they didn’t know her. Really tragic if you have to buy replacements repeatedly the first year.
The industry fails to teach skills needed to sustain colonies, it is just focused on selling boxes and replacement bees. Guess those items have become consumables. That is sad, really really sad.
The Eco Bee Box mini system teaches all beekeepers how to raise queens so you have them on hand when needed. It teaches you to replicate colonies you already know and like.  How to have a backup at a minimal expense. How to raise bees so you can be sustainable. Honey bees have existed since T-Rex walked the earth.  Honey bees know how to reproduce and replicate…they have not forgotten, they just need the right conditions.
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Eco Bee Box Canada produces modern pine and cedar beekeeping beehive equipment in both Canada (CA) and United States (US). This signature equipment is made with patented hardware for our unique box designs. This attractive hardware prevents box breakdown and assists the beekeeper. Our modern hives include: the Mini Urban Beehive (MUB); Langstroth Horizontal Hive (SANC); Comb Box Hive (COMB); Observation Hive (LUM); Vintage Hive (VINT); and others. 

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